by Vikram Kharvi | Jun 29, 2023 | Communications, PR
Hello, everyone! Happy #ThrowbackThursday! Today, I want to take you on a trip down memory lane to look at how consumer behavior has dramatically changed over the years and the implications it holds for us. Let’s wind the clock back a few decades. Once upon...
by Vikram Kharvi | Jun 28, 2023 | Communications, PR
Hello all, and welcome to another #WisdomWednesdays! Today, I’d like to shine a light on an aspect of public relations that often goes unnoticed. We often see PR as the beacon that shines brightly during product launches or crises, but I invite you to...
by Vikram Kharvi | Jun 26, 2023 | Book Review
“Made to Stick” – Crafting Messages that Resonate and Endure If you’re seeking to understand why certain ideas have the resilience of a cockroach while others fade faster than a Snapchat message, “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan...
by Vikram Kharvi | Jun 26, 2023 | Movie Reviews
This week, let’s rewind to 2010 and delve into “The Social Network” – a biographical drama that chronicles the inception of Facebook and the lawsuits that trailed in its wake. While the film serves as an intriguing recounting of the birth and...
by Vikram Kharvi | Jun 25, 2023 | Stories
Today, let’s venture into the realm of Greek mythology, drawing insights from the legendary tale of Hercules and his Twelve Labors. But why Hercules, you might ask? Because, as PR and marketing professionals, we can learn a lot from his journey about showcasing...