Today, Adfactors PR completes 25 years of leadership, while I complete my 9 years in my second stint. Here are 9 of the many lessons I have learnt in this alma mater of mine.

1)     Consistency – keep hustling, small improvements each day, the value of compounding will start showing up slowly but when it starts building it will build faster than you could realize. Sometimes, it may take time but you will surely win if you don’t quit.

2)     Respect and be kind to your people – give them autonomy to think and deliver in their own way – ignore minor issues and mistakes – each one learns and grows in their own unique style – facilitate learning, don’t instruct.

3)     Never be judgmental about anyone – experience – who may seem brilliant may turn otherwise and vice-versa

4)     Network – and offer to help – the goodwill that you will deposit will give you higher returns whenever you would want to withdraw

5)     Not all days, months or years are the same – some will truly test you every bit you have got – show-up, whatever it takes each day

6)     Never stop learning – the day you do, you are dead – read, do new courses – upskill – no knowledge ever goes waste

7)     Own your calendar – if you don’t someone else will

8)     Perfection is a fallacy – complete the task in your hand, in the best possible manner but within the time marked for it

9)     Love yourself and others – don’t be harsh on yourself for your failures. Plan your days well and earn your breaks – travel to meet nature once in a while and spend time with people who make you laugh your heart out.

I also take this opportunity to thank my clients, my teammates (without whom the journey wouldn’t have been this joyful), my peers, seniors and colleagues, my family and my out-of-office friends – each one has played an important role in allowing me to be happy and cheerful all through my existence and in my work life.

Sincere gratitude to each one of you.