“Made to Stick” – Crafting Messages that Resonate and Endure

If you’re seeking to understand why certain ideas have the resilience of a cockroach while others fade faster than a Snapchat message, “Made to Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath is a must-read.

As PR and marketing professionals, it’s our job to ensure our messages not only reach the target audience but also stick in their minds.

The authors of “Made to Stick” propose the SUCCESs model – Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, and Stories.

This model guides us in shaping ideas that are not only compelling but also memorable.

But let’s go beyond the basics today. What if we looked at this model not just as a toolbox, but also as a lens to rethink our entire communication strategy?

Think of “Simple.” It’s not about dumbing down complex ideas but uncovering the core of what you want to communicate. The heart of your message, like the single-minded plot of a memorable story, should guide your entire communication strategy.

“Unexpected” is often overlooked in our quest for consistency in messaging. But routine can breed complacency, making messages easily forgettable. Injecting elements of surprise can re-engage your audience, rekindling interest and attentiveness in your brand’s narrative.

“Concrete” and “Credible” go hand-in-hand. As we navigate the post-truth era, cementing our messages with concrete evidence and credible sources is key to building trust. But it’s also about showing authenticity, being transparent, and admitting when we don’t have all the answers.

“Emotional” is about empathy, understanding your audience’s needs, fears, and aspirations. In the era of AI and Big Data, the ‘human’ element in our communication is what will set us apart.

And finally, “Stories.” A well-crafted narrative can make your message come alive, sparking imagination, and driving action. But remember, it’s not about grand tales; even the smallest anecdotes can make your message resonate.

“Made to Stick” is a treasure trove of insights, but let’s not just use it as a checklist. Let’s view it as a philosophy, a way to approach our communication strategy that aligns with our ever-evolving, complex world.

Let’s craft messages that do more than just stick; they inspire, engage, and endure.