Speaking in English with flair and fluency is a kind of a must in the corporate setup and if you are the one who cannot articulate correctly or don’t rightly pronounce few words, you will be judged, even if you have better qualifications and intelligence.

People make fun of pronunciations even if what is being communicated is clearly understood as if proficiency in English determines the value of an individual, their desirability and in some cases, people judge their upbringing as well.

The fortune ones who are well-versed in English start exhibiting superiority and make fun of people who cannot speak English as well, quite blatantly.

Growing up I had to go through a lot of humiliations because of my pronunciations, which is still a work in progress.

Though I studied in an English medium school, most around me spoke Marathi. My parents were uneducated and even the locality where I was staying spoke only the local languages.

Despite being a #Kannadiga, my Marathi language proficiency was superior. In school days I used to read many Marathi novels (almost one a day) and magazines such as Marmik etc., I was quite proud of this ability that I picked up.

But that joy was quite short-lived, when I became part of the formal workforce, I found myself struggling to match up with those who spoke better English.

Even though I was far competent than the rest, I couldn’t articulate in the best possible manner. I preferred staying quiet fearing my pronunciations or usage of wrong words in wrong places.

The fear remains and still makes me nervous even though I have come a long way.

This #video touches that cord and brings home the point that speaking English is not the only measure of one’s intelligence.

Did you too feel the pinch? If yes then share your views below.
